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Maria 06-28-2011 01:56 PM

Intramuscular Toradol Injection
Last week before my PM visit I had torqued my back somehow and actually felt pretty badly. Had spasms for about 2 days that made me grouchy and feel like lying around most of day. I so dislike that feeling since I've not had to do that for so long unless it was due to my feet (more problematic than my spine now).

While at the PMs I asked for an injection of Toradol which he always agrees to although this time he asked if wanted the cocktail version with Decadron and something else. I said no I'd just take the straight Toradol 60mg IM as it works great for me which it did and since I got it back's been pretty fine.

If you've got a cycle of lumbar or cervical spasming going on and you need a break ask your doctor (I've gotten this injection at my PCP, OSS, and PM's office and Urgent Care) and see if it helps you (as long no contraindication).

I can't say whether it'd help thoracic spasms since I've not had it for that tho imagine it might well.

jsewell 07-01-2011 03:45 PM

I'm glad you have something that works so well for you.
When i had one of my back surgeries and had unbelievable pain afterword, they were trying all kinds of meds to get me to be able to be somewhat comfortable. I spent a lot of time crying ! I ended up having seizures. I showed my endocrinologist the list of meds they gave me and something that started with a T he thought was the culprit. I need to look at my records some day and find out if it was actually torodol.

Maria 07-01-2011 08:11 PM

re Toradol
I was only given this drug orally back when I had my knee surgery but never back surgery. It didn't help much or so I thought. The IM injection has been so incredibly different re results. If I'd ever have had this "back in the day" I'm not sure I would have had back surgery because it cut short the weeks I'd spend in bed with spasms to zilch.. I mean it's incredibly effective for my lumbar and cervical spasms.

We all have different reactions to drugs. I had a really weird reaction to Prozac when trying to switch me from Elavil to Prozac to help reduce neuropathic pain or at least anxiety related to. I lost my peripheral vision and could not stand up ~ felt like I was losing my mind as well and pretty much thought I needed to commit myself to the funny farm or commit harrycarry (or however that's spelled)!

I've had a bad reaction to a few drugs .. Zomig for migraines~ stroke like reaction. First time on Soma I practically hallucinated but tried it again and was Ok.

Seizures aren't something I'd want to induce so think it'd be really important to find out for sure what drug might have caused that and list it as a drug you cannot take when intake history done on you re drug sensitivities/allergies/untoward effects.

Hopefully nothing else was going on that would have coincidentally made you have that reaction like a cross sensitivity of drugs you may have been on or other situation (medical).

Many people on another forum I frequent use this medication just as I do for severe spasms and we've all had good results and it is commonly used in urgent care and emergency rooms for this purpose.

jsewell 07-01-2011 09:13 PM

Some doctors thought it was a combination of medications. so that might have been the case. All i could do was cry and just lay in one curled up position. Every time my doctor came in he would lift me and put me in a straighter position. At that time the neurologist took me off almost all psych drugs and anything else that wasn't absolutely necessary. They had to call a code on me at the time and i don't remember any of it but the start of the second seizure. I told my dumb nurse that i had just had one and she said,"oh you couldn't have" then i went into another one before she left the room. Proved her wrong!! I didn't feel very safe when she yelled for help and said somethning about my tongue. then another nurse said we don't do that anymore. Glad they called a code at that point!!

Maria 07-02-2011 12:37 AM

pretty bad
When nurse working in a hospital doesn't know when a patient is having a seizure!!!

jsewell 07-02-2011 04:30 AM

I had the grand mal type too!!! She just did not believe me. They were too busy talking in the hallway. I thought what nurse does not know what to do when someone has a seizure. I know what to do as we had students that had seizures of all types.
I can't complain , i lived through it. they did cause inflammation in my brain though.

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