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Old 06-10-2009, 06:50 PM
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Kraze Kat Kraze Kat is offline
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Default Katie, You are amazing!

][quote=Katie;10257]What surgery are you having?
I am having L-5/ S-1
Can you get one of those 'fingers on a stick' gadgets? They have a handle on one end and grippers on the others so that you can pick things up without bending over, or get things off a tall shelf?

I can try to find one, though things are hard to find here. This is one of those times I wish Germany still had Wal-Mart.

Remember that your gut will be sluggish after anesthetic, especially if you are having lumbar surgery and your organs are being moved aside. So make sure the food you are stocking up on is good for you, not too much junk food which will contribute to constipation. You will heal better with a proper diet too. Trail mix, with dried fruit and nuts gives you something to chew on, easy to eat (no preparation), and helps keep the gut moving, just as a start.

Your true genius has shown. Much tastier than tv dinners and I can limit my up and down the stairs.Non refrigerated items should have been common sense for me.

Make sure that the kitty doesn't jump on you and your incision...we have several of the critters, and I know how they like to crawl over us and jump on the most inappropriate areas

Not much control over this one, but just before reading this, he did just that.

I'm sorry, I haven't gone through this myself, but am trying to remember what I liked having around when I went through my last abdominal surgery. Keep posting and don't worry about 'too many questions'. That's what we're here for.

How about gadgets for the shower and/or bath too...rubber mats to make sure you don't slip when you are able to use it, but are still a little unsteady. You can rent stools for sitting while you shower, and handles for the side of the tub, just in case. I'll keep thinking....

Lucky for me, my house is owened by an older lady so there are the handles.The mats, they can be functional and cute. Score!! (BTW, my little kitty just ran over me again)[/QUOTE]

Thank you soo much. I have an associate that just went through it. I talk to him at least once a week to see how he is doing, and he is hating life. I will be having the same Dr. as him and such. However, he did say that everyone else that went to him was doing rather well. I know some say that women handle pain easier (I'm not claiming this is true or untrue), but sometimes he can be a little wimpy. For the time being, I am hoping that claim is true. (No offense to you guys) The part that really scares me is the having to give myself injections. I am deathly afraid of needles. If I stay moving, though, I probably would not need them. Also in his case, he has a wife that loves him more than anything and would do anything to keep him comfortable. I am really starting to worry. He goes back to work in a couple of weeks, but he is still pretty bad. He tells me not to judge the procedure by his outcome, but he is the only one I know that has gone through it.
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