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Old 06-27-2009, 04:06 PM
cavalier cavalier is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Memphis
Posts: 43

I debate on posting this but - I found a WIDE variety of opinions for my own progressive spondylo & yes I was bone on bone - most were fusions - & I was todl my facets were not the best shape. I did a lidocaine injection block only at the facets they were not a pain generator or arthrtic issue for me - it was not until I saw Dr Zigler at TBI & also later his associate Blumenthal that offered me ADR instead. I then sent my info to Dr Yue who asked to send them to Dr B overseas & I sent to Stenum - Dr B even was not sure on doing a stand alone ADR but TBI & Stenum were - the reason for this was - was simple the spondylo was happening & the facets due to the lack of a disc being there & that taking up the space. Restore that & the dynamics stop - however i cant tell you how many doc's here in the USA who did ADR's refused anything but a fusion for me & it would have required a 2 level as L3L4 was already herniated above I am sure due to the load & stress of nothing being below it. I debate on telling you this as there is alot of angst in getting opinions & I know pesonally how hard it was to decide when I had so many saying fusion- however i also had bulging discs in my entire lumbar & I was afraid to start that chain reaction going. I am NOT a doc but if i may suggest - contacting TBI or overseas for a opinion - I understand how debiliating this whole thing is - trust me I have never felt that kind of pain - I also was running out of time & came very close to being a emergency 2 level fusion by whoever i got - but you have to live with this not the doc's for the rest of your lifetime. I just visited a person I used to work with - who has like me suffered with lumbar for many yr's not a spondylo but he just didnt' get the difference felt a ADR & fusion was the same basically & had a 3 level fusion. I saw him in the hospital 6 days after his surgery - he was having a harder time 6 days out than i was on my 1st day- granted he had 3 levels done but he was going to Rehab hosptial for another week maybe longer after that. His wife asked me how long it was before i was up walking I changed the subject & didn't answer her as i could not tell her I was walking the very next day around the hospital & on the 3rd day I walked 2 miles. This is long but I even had some doc's refuse to do any operation on me as they were too afraid to try to do a fusion as they said i was too far gone - so medicine is a art & it is very subjective & we are left to sift thru those opinions & try to decide - with no guarantees what maybe best for us. I do not say ADR for all & no fusions ever however your case sounded so much like mine - I just am trying to help - I am coming up in one week on 5 yr's post-op & I have not knock on wood had any need for any revisions. NOW I am finding the same varying opinions on my cervical also hurt by the same car wreck back in 94 just not as bad as the back but now the arms are going & the rest of that ball of wax & once again i am getting more opinions from doc's for fusion a 2 level maybe 3 than I am ADR - those doc's one must keep in mind while ADR trained - fusions are still what they have known longer & if they have NOT done any ADR's for spondylo's they just dont know & they are trying to be careful. For complicated cases I still remember & it is GOOD advice seek the VERY best - this came from Dr Yue who is a accomplished spine doc in his own right but back then he was honest enuf to say he didn't have the expertise for my kind of case with ADR yet. This is not intended to be negative in any way & I hope it is taken in the heart i am sending it in - my best to you honestly - it is a HARD & often lonely road - I am on it once again & family dont always understand - Jill
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