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Old 07-19-2009, 06:35 PM
shar57 shar57 is offline
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Default chemical reactions also

so weird, I have been taking pain meds for neuropathy for many years no prob. about 2 years ago I also started getting strange reaftions to my meds, actually it was at the same time that everyone was dying from methadone.
I beleive there was a bad batch going around, fortubatly i also had a stash of about 200 extra pills just in case my doc was out of town or something,
I started getting horrible heart palps, couldnt breath, lost 30 pounds in a month, felt like someone was pulling my gums backwards off my teeth, my ears were on fire, and just didnt feel right, it took me a while to realize it was my methadone. I got inot my old stash, that medication did NOT do this to me. IT was the exact same brand, Roxanne 10 mg but it looked a little different, larger, whiter, and had a faint tan line running thru the middle of it( from the side view) luckily I have a great PM doc has known me for many years. he swithed me to MS CONTIN, this worked for me for about a year then I got weird reactions to it, I compared that last batch to my stash, and it was lighter in color and thicker, but I only had about 15 of those stashed,this time I got really really sick. My doc was good enough to let me try having some methadone compounded for me at a compounding pharmacy, they made it in liquid form using only water, guess what no reactions AT ALL! WHAT A RELEIF.
here what ive figured out for me, I have becaom allergic to ALL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, this include things like irsh spring soap, cleaning solvent, like my husband uses in his shop, deisel, paint, gas, some deoderants, have petroleum in them dish soap, so many things, laundry soap, you would be amazed.
here is what my doc thinks, that when the pharmacutical companies, are amking these drugs, they are somehow coming into contact with petroleum, either when cleaning the machinery, when they make different batches, or somshere in the processing, the thing is all of the opiates we get in this county are made mostly in asia, and who know WTF they are doing over there.
I was potter for about 15 years, buying my clay, sanding breathing in all this stuff, let alone dealing with glazes.
I have a tendancy to get vertio also, but for me it is dairy products, dairy creates mucus which get in you eustashia spelled wrong Im sure tubes (in your ears) the mucus unsettles the crystals, and then when you move your head this is what gives you the spins.
you would be surprised how many food have dairy in it.
creamed soups pizza, bread, yogurt, sour cream, everything.
but ill tell you if you want to lose weight, get off dairy, you can get your calcium from something else.
humans are the only animal that continues to drink milk after they are done nursing, and then its not even from our own species, the dairy industry is a HUGE money maker.
it also cause iner ear infections in kids, which is what the number 1 thing pedatritions treat! hope this helps someone, love this sight!
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