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Old 10-25-2009, 08:02 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default WC is a separate entity

I understand your point Dale but with WC it is an entity unto itself.

Now if one wants to utilize the services of an attorney to fight a denial if the person/patient wants to utlize the services of an attorney to fight the appeal and the the appeal is lost in court then the costs all fall on the person/patient.

I don't know about other states with WC as they all vary I believe but CA has really turned sour for patients thanks to the Govenator. I used to like the guy as an actor but not as the Gov.

My case is very old and I have been fortunate enough to retain my benefits this long but I am viewed as a "lifer" re WC and they don't like that. They feel that the insurance company shouldn't be still paying for an injury dated "all the way back in 1982" as they have stated it in the denial.

I view it differently. I view it as the benefits were stipulated back in '82 to cover my low back with future medical and no time line was denoted. It used to be called "lifetime future medical" which I've been told by the insurance company is definately not correct.

Oh well.. it's a battle but I am a good little warrior when it comes to being tenacious.

Or I would have others that say "you like to fight"~ it does come in handy with WC!

I think Government issued health care for those that have nothing or would choose to use it would be far better than nothing. I've worked with patients that had nothing or very little because even tho they were indigent or just above poverty level they did not qualify for mediCal or any type of health care assistance.

And this is a sad state. The truth is that if the sick are taken care of especially with contagious/contact diseases then there would far less liklihood of spread of contagious disease and less $$ spent on pandemic spread.

Sometimes spending more initially means spending less overall. Keep the family unit healthy as sick parents can not take care of healthy kids but they can spread their germs to their kids and vice versa.

No one stays home from school or work when slightly ill and viral fomites are everywhere. Viruses are what we really have to worry about spreading as bacterial infections do not spread like viruses but one usually is much sicker by the time the infection has become a bacterial infection and therefore the over all cost of treatment is elevated as well as potential time for hospitalization and care.

Unlike many people I do not care what someone's immigrant status is where medical treatment is concerned. If the person is here and they are sick they are here~ and not treating the individual only means there will be more spread of germs/disease/contagions/contaminants.

These are just my uneducated opionions so I'm sure there are many that could beat my thoughts down with a stick but I just want healthcare for all~ yesterday and not so dang much struggle with what is supposed to be already stipulated for those of us with WC.

WC needs to stop wasting money by running the simplest decision thru Utilization Review~ this is really a wasteful process unless it's a major decision that needs further medically warrented input. Unlike a routine ESI for someone who has been getting them since 2001 and always states the ESI improves the level of pain by nearly 100%.

I guess being clear as glass isn't something that WC can comprehend. It would rather waste money muddling things up and then have the Govenator talk about having "cleaned up WC in the state of CA." ~ so not true.
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