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Old 11-06-2009, 03:45 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default keep going

I was 28 when I injured my spine back in '82. The spinal technology back then was much less than it is today and believe me I know I suffered the consequences as have many others with just shear availability/options.

I too waited for the FDA to approve of multi-level lumbar disc replacement so WC would pay for that vs. fusion and ADR (with Prodisc) but now I have more DDD while waiting, facet degeneration at L4 and L5S1 and my L5S1 has finally autofused which I think is the best thing about the prolonged course of my "doing nothing more/waiting and seeing" and so forth.

Your feelings are quite understood here. Yet I think you are in a good position if there is a good option out there available to you and your insurance company covers it.

Meanwhile keep researching as Katie mentioned.

I don't mean to "mother you" but I am 25 years older than you and have been down a spinal road of "waiting and seeing" and doing nothing more surgically for various reasons some of that waiting for things to be FDA approved that have just been taking FOREVER..

You are young and you do have a lifetime ahead of you so hang in there and keep going. That being said I certainly understand how you feel and have been there in the past myself.

Keep going. You're in good position just being young!!!
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