On laxatives.. the mag citrate is harsh and should do the trick to at least clean you out tho be forewarned it is really difficult to guzzle. Make sure it's cold is all I can say.
Re the other stuff give it a go and see how you do. I'm on pain medication that constipates and can't fathom being post op multi level fusion with plugged up probs tho I try to clear myself out from top to bottom and if that requires use of an enema to do so I will go there.. not sure you could assume that position at this point (no twisting).
Personally I'm not shy at helping out a friend/family member in this area after years of nursing and too many enemas to count along the way as staff nurse in the earlier years.
I think one Halloween I wanted to go out as Enema Queen.. carrying a hose and bag of Fleets.. remember having great laughs over that tho think we were all a bit *happy* if you catch my drift. Back in the day that is...
Ok nuff said and BOMBS AWAY!!! Best of luck in the BR! Don't overdo all at one time