I must say that I am glad that I can walk and that it does not seem to cause me any discomfort. I have been walking twice a day now. One long walk probably about six or seven blocks total. Then one short around the apartment complex at night. I really would push it and walk a lot further just because of how good it feels to be doing something physical and how good it makes me feel, but I am really scared of over doing it now.
The nerve pain in my right leg is really making me panic bad mentally. I freak out and wonder how I am going to deal with this forever. It has been bothering me for three days now. I don't understand why at almost two weeks I have had no nerve or leg pain then boom I have right leg pain bad.

The pain is different every couple of hours, my toe and back of my thigh, then my calf and outer ankle. Then sometimes like now after my walk the whole leg just feels tight and over worked. My right hip feels really tight and my the right side seems to be the one that always has problems. Even the muscles feel tighter on the right side of the incision. My surgery was close to eight hours so I am hoping that my nerves are just pissed off and will settle down. I am getting used to the idea that I will always have pain, I just really hope that the nerve pain goes. That is why I had the surgery to begin with was to get rid of the leg pain. The day after the surgery I remember walking and for the first time in a year my leg felt normal and that felt weird. I wish it still felt that way.
Has anyone else had symptoms like this after fusion that went away? Is having nerve pain similar to preop normal with fusion? I know these might be doctor questions but I would like some personal experience. Does anyone have else have fusion success that had nerve troubles weeks after the surgery. If so I could really use the knowledge of it.
Thank you all for listening and I really wish for a low pain day for all.
BI lateral pars fracture repair for isthmic spondylolythesis on l5 10/2/07. success for about 1.5 years.
Hardware began to fail,

so on to the wonderful world of fusion l5-s1 2/15/10 By the wonderful Dr Frank Coufal. Great so far let see how good this will work!!