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Old 07-20-2010, 05:03 AM
CajunRich CajunRich is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Indianapolis
Posts: 2
Default Hello Again

Thanks guys/gals for the recommendations. I agree there is something wrong..something is pinching pulling piercing binding ...something lol.

I have gone to Pain Dr..but he only did injections which Im not quite sure if it worked or not b/c 2 days after the SI joint injection I went golfing....boy was that a mistake!!!! I want do that again! Then I went to this "great" Neurosurgeon in downtown Indianapolis..I had high hopes...It sucked. Unfortunately my history with opiates was in the chart b/c that Dr. was in the same system as some previous engagements with some of the other Docs. So i was pretty dam sure I got a sideways look from him. He was the one that said It was less than 2% chance I had an injury related issue b/c it the pain was on both sides and not just down one leg. Urrrrg....he was making jokes and cutting up. Needless to say i wasn't laughing then he straightened up a bit. He then referred me to a neurologist which is where I am now.

I told this Doc that I know how the medical system works when someone comes in with a hx of drug use or and addictive personalty the Dr's put up a barrier right away. He kinda looked at me strange and then i just about broke down crying with him telling him how bad it was and im not here to ask for any pills...I just need to get to the bottom of this. I told him he was the 4th Dr. I had scene and if he couldn't give me a 100% percent look then tell me know before we even waist time here. He then looked at me as I could barely sit in there chair....and there was awkward silence lol...then he just kept on with my work up. He then said the Neurosurgeon said you have neuropathy? I said yes...he said that guy is clueless...that kinda broke the ice. This Dr. gave me Celebrex and lyrica...not exactly the path I wanted to take but hell Ill try anything about now.

He then ordered and bone scan which I did friday and waiting results. After reading a lot of information on Chirogeek. com it sure does seem like I have spondylolisthesis. The chiropractor I went to said I surely have terrible posture and that my lower lumber/sacrum area is binding which is consistent with spondylo.

I have to go on a trip next week for a 10 hr drive. Then caddy for my daughter for 4 days then drive back. This could be the trip that does me in...we will see if I can last.

My wife and I are tempted to just go down to the hospital and say uncle and not leave till I get a Dx.
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