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Old 11-28-2010, 07:16 PM
ImpOssibleOne ImpOssibleOne is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 59

I had L5/S1 fused two years ago, for a grade V annular tear. I had some pain at that level but it was leg weakness and a feeling of instability that got me to the operating table. While the fusion took some of the pain away, the leg numbness and instability remain.

The pelvic MRI was 'normal' except for this unfused S1/S2. It's very thin, probably 1/4 the width of a lumbar disc, and has little (arthritic) facet joints. I had the facets injected with no results but I'm wondering if my problem is that the pelvic muscles are trying to reign in the sacrum because it's slightly unstable.
The doc said no, that the disc looks good and there is no movement at that level.....but if that is the case, why would the facet joints be arthritic?

Anyway, was just wondering if someone has one of these discs, if it caused them problems...and what was done about it.
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