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Old 03-24-2011, 03:02 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default re timing

I made my worst spinal decision based on feeling pressured re timing. My own personal experience w/getting surgical opinions over the years and I got a number of them was that a surgeon who could perform whatever was necessary w/whatever technology was confident in offering it. That is unless my own clinical findings were a contraindication which would only be known with the necessary diagnostic testing done within a certain time frame relative to planned surgery (not years before as probs can change w/short amt. of time/longer time).

The surgeons that were limited in what they offered offered what they know and or as Mark stated felt comfortable with and I sort of found that out because of the number of consults I had and who was doing what and how much they were doing of whatever surgery.

I realize you're reeling from all the input. I was too when I was getting mine. We all missed something with our spinal journey like school, work, time from life and so forth however when you make a good decision re surgery you'll thank yourself. I didn't with my 2nd spine surgery and I paid dearly for that decision for many years afterwards. I was rushed by work scheduling, insurance timing and so forth and really didn't take the time to even get a 2nd opinion on that surgery. Living w/sour grapes, regret, more pain and probs post a spine surgery can really be bad.

Actually you're still in a good place right now.. you've got options it's sounds like and you've not yet had surgery so when you're done reeling from the input, concern, fears and worry just realize you're that much more ahead of the game as you do really have time to check things out a bit further.

So many people here made excellent decisions about choosing a spine surgeon and have had outstanding results. I'm not one of them and it has impacted my life in a way that for the longest time I wished I could turn back the clock.

I'm older now and much time has passed and I feel better but believe me I do understand what you're saying and where you're coming from because I was there too in my 20's and 30's.

Last edited by Maria; 03-24-2011 at 03:04 PM.
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