Originally Posted by jsewell
thanks for the info i will look into it all.
I do , believe it or not have an excellent endocrinologist. when i was doing research on cushings a few years back and still living in georgia, i flew out to so cal to see him. I have been on testosterone for years and my vitamin D levels are at the top of the range. Over the top at one point. I do a lot of hiking in the so cal sun. pain or no pain, breathing well or now not.
As far as my discs they are all taken care of. My lumbar pain is caused by a fracture in L2 and possibly the screws. My doc plans on taking them out and cementing the fracture when he feels i have recovered enough from my broken neck. that one was my biggest fracture and i don't even know how it occured , which is why i need to strengthen my bones. I have been a runner for years and years and stopped after my hip was replaced in 2008. So i have been doing all the right things that i can , just loosing the battle.
Thanks Maria not sure what you mentioned is, but i will check it out.
Any suggestions are always appreciated
There are some clinical trials where they are mixing stem cells with BMPs (bone morphogenic proteins) but it is a product being tested for fusions.
It sounds genetic and it also sounds like you have good doctors.
Stem cells will help bone repair.