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Old 04-30-2011, 10:33 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default better today

I think I recollect what might have started this episode. There was a huge mosquito on my front door the day before yesterday. I'm kind of scared of bugs so I kick boxed this bug to the floor and killed it. Yeah.. that move was a bit extreme for my leg/hip/back. Was holding Lola who was trying to get away when she saw/heard my foot hit the door!

So yesterday got thru the day and dog walks though by the end of the day and evening I was really feeling about 100 years old spine wise. Pain was bad.

This morning still had it. It's gotten better it seems although I've not been too active yet have not had to lie down or rest to lessen the pain. Just not really doing as much as I planned. Dog walks so far are Ok and have been trying to see if I can reduce clothing in closets (trying things on to see what I can get rid of)!

Thanks for asking and hope you're doing Ok today~ it's such a beautiful day outside!
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