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Old 08-14-2011, 11:22 PM
jbcool35 jbcool35 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Orange County, CA
Posts: 22

Well on a different note, I've decided to try out working again. SSDI said I have some kind of 9 month trial period in case I can't do it. Just gonna try to get on with life. At the rate this country is spending money, SSDI will be gone. I'm scared of that besides I make less in a month than I made in a week before. If my nerve study comes back bad, then oh well. If I need surgery again, oh well. Nothing I can do about it. I haven't worked in 2 years and my pain is getting worse. So I may as well be working. Kinda strange why I have back problems and no one else in my family does? So much for genetics. Well I know mine was work related so never mind. Just thinking that different areas of my back and neck now hurt that didn't before. I wonder if that is caused by the surgery or if I have some kind of inflammatory/degenerative condition? It really bites whatever it is and has really messed up my life! I know all of us on here are messed up and a lot of people way worse than me. For some reason I'm starting to see people that jump, run and play around and it gets me angry that i can't do those things. I'm jealous. Well thanks for all the support guys. Wish me luck with work. Hope you all are doing better.

As far as the workers comp thing goes Mariaa, I don't know. I'm just trying to hold on. They have me at 55% disabled, so I think my lawyer is still on the case cause she feels she will one day get more money. She has been my lawyer since 12/2003 and hasn't missed a beat. I know your case is a lot older and I hope they at least keep giving you your meds. As far as medicare/medicaid goes, they aren't much better from what I hear. Guess it depends if you need the money bad enough then you might have to settle but like you said, I'd wait as long as I can and be sure medicare will cover you.
Had a 360 lumbar fusion in May 2008 with cages, screws, hardware. It didn't fuse and one of the screws are loose. Also have a tear at L4 but they say it isn't touching the nerve. Have a bulging disc at T6 which causes middle back pain. I'm not even gonna mess with T6.
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