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Old 01-04-2012, 01:51 PM
Magrego Magrego is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 28

Well I guess it is crazy but I know why it happens capitalist system with people wanting to make money. Even if they don't know what is wrong with you, they will pretend to know. In the process they may damage people and often do. It was amazing how I actually dreamed my spine was in a jar after the physio pushed on my spine.

I use to weigh 86kg now I way 56kg within 6 months. my muscle has disappeared and I look like that guy of silver chair. daniel johns he had reactive arthritis.

I don't think anything will show in mri for a while because my body is attacking itself. it takes time to damage and show in mri I think. well thats what the specialist told me. I just hope it goes away before it damages me permanently. I think the pain I have is inflammation and joint pain throughout body hence why I lost so much weight. my immune system or the medications pretty much ate my muscle in 4 months.

I find it hard to eat cos of the medications but even when I eat i am still losing weight. my thighs are half the size and people know i am sick just by looking at me now. I look like a junkie compared to what i use to be although I just look skinny to someone who never met me. auto immune disease is so hard to diagnose I have to wait. I am still not diagnosed but I am confident I have reactive arthritis otherwise I would have thought I was dying slowly.

has anyone experienced Reactive arthritis. see I don't have a lot of the classic symptoms such as eye inflammation or swollen feet. just severe pain with little swelling.
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