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Old 01-18-2012, 11:15 AM
Magrego Magrego is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 28

hey guys sorry to hear you have similar situations and really hope you guys recover. I also think that money is the biggest issue for people when they are sick, its sad it has to be like that. as an architect I would like to design buildings that are nicer but money ruins it for everyone. I love this world but money and corruption just seems way too easy and people forget about themselves or their friends. Most of the time people don't notice it but money and corporation suck the life out of us. wish I lived with the Egyptians sometimes see before capitalist they never had the number zero or negative numbers. they started with 1 not 0. so in other words our society lives in fear of going negative. really their is no zero or nothing. their is always something. the number zero is only a mental entity. so just remember this capitalist world that most live in is created by purely the mind. We do not know quality of life, we merely only know how to quantify life. Its not the people , its the systems in place. Its hard to stop it once it starts. Its just the way it is, this is what I try to tell myself. oil and money is a primitive way of life is all I am saying.

Anywho, just been fighting the reactive arthritis. I couldn't even skip it hurt so bad(this made me concerned considering I use to box and skip everyday). I started to do 30 seconds everyday of skipping. I also performed light weights, swimming and walking. I can now walk longer and longer it is actually amazing. I weighed 56kg and now I am 66kg(normal body weight is 76kg. I been drinking pea protein because my inflammation of the bowel cannot handle other protein. I have forced myself to eat and has helped big time.

I got better and better. To be honest I am still sick but I move around as much as I can because it makes me feel better afterwards even though it hurts while I exercise. I have excellent improvement and my specialist said my spine has improved. He believes that my body can possibly stop attacking my joints and organs one day. the specialist was confident I will get better if I keep fighting it. This is when a heart of gold is handy because you do not know if it will work but it is worth everything.

obviously other people have problems that do not even allow them to move around but if you can move around and your doctor says you can JUST KEEP MOVING.

I found my situation got worse mainly because it hurt so much to move. I started to stiffen up but lately with anti inflammatory and exercises . I been doing bruce lee isometric training. when I sit now, even when I am in pain I will try the isometrics when sitting. look its not a miracle worker but it helps. I believe if I keep taking anti- inflammatory and training my core I may be able to sit.

I guess with a reactive arthritis its best to keep moving if you can otherwise it just gets worse. Hydro therapy is the key.

the symptoms I was experiencing are far better than before and am grateful to everyone on this site who gave me advice.
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