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Old 03-30-2012, 05:15 AM
TiredofPain TiredofPain is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Plano, TX
Posts: 30

Hi Judy,

Thank you for the response. I waited to see if the pain that I was afraid was associated with the bone growth stimulator was actually related. I don't think it is, as the pain over the past several months has gradually been worsening. However, I think there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. At least I hope so. The hydrocodone stopped working at all, absolutely no relief (no sense in taking it if it's not helping). So I stopped taking it this past Sunday. It's really tough to get into see the surgeon, so I was going to tough it out best I could until my next appt which is 24 April.

I went to see my primary care doc this afternoon for some other issues and she recommended that I go see a podiatrist. I've had ankle and knee probs for several years. I noticed not long ago (about 2 weeks) that the souls on my shoes were wearing out unevenly, the outsides where much more worn down than the inside. When I mentioned this to her, she said that could be (no guarantee) a contributor to several of my painful problems including my back. She said that I need to ask the podiatrist if I have a misaligned gait (sp) and if it can be corrected and if it could be part of my other pain problems.

She also prescribed me with Fentanyl patches. I've been wearing one for about 5 hours and it has given me considerable relief. I'm actually thinking that I may get a decent night sleep. Because my fusion failed, I know that I still have issues with the back, but the thought that my ankles may be a contributor to pain because of the way that I walk. Well, it gives me a little bit of hope that there might be something that might help. I'm not full of false hope, but at this point anything that could possible help is comforting.

I view it as if my car needs a front end alignment, then it wont drive correctly and maybe be a rough ride. I have to put things into perspective that I can understand. LOL. Maybe my feet/ankles are doing the same thing. I'm hoping to get an appt early next week. Will provide the findings. Thank you very much for always responding, your a very kind person. I hope that you are doing well.

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