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Old 04-12-2012, 01:26 AM
kmg3333 kmg3333 is offline
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Default Help with 15 year olds DDD and MRI

Hi all,
I am new here, and I am desparate for help from someone to explain to me my daughters MRI's. In August of 2010, my 14 year old daughter was hospitalized after loosing all feeling in her left leg, and a disk tear which ended up as a "goose egg" on her back filled with fluid.
She had a set of 3 spine injections over 3 months at that time, which helped for about a year. She ended up with cushings symptoms, and so we have not had them done since. Weve had 2 MRIs done in 2010, and 2011. She is now going to see a neurosurgeon at U of M Motts childrens hospital. She is barely moving anymore, and cannot keep up. She lives at pain level 6-8 everyday.
I am hoping I can find someone to help me understand her MRI's before we go. I have done alot of reading, but feel like I need someone to give it to me in plain english.
Below is her most recent MRI, done 2/2011 (prior one was 8/2010)

Keep in mind as you read, this all started with no injury, at age 14. I was called home from work because she could not get off of the floor, and lost the use of her left leg, She had a set of 3 steroid shots in L5-S-1 when that happened and her first ever MRI. She ended up with cushings disease symptoms, and so no shots since. She has tried traction, hours in PT and lives now at pain level 6-9 everday. She is just now turning 16.

Anatomic alignment of the lumbar vertabrae is appreciated.
The vertabral body heights are preserved
The intervertebral disc spaces show degenerative signal, more pronounced at L3-4 and L5-S1 levels.
Broad based disc annular bulge is present at L2-3 level and midly flattens the ventral aspect of thecal sac.
At L3-4 level asymmetric to the right disc annular bulge with focal central disc protrusion is noted.
There is a mild narrowing of the central canal due to described disc bulge.
At L4-5 level broad based mild disc annular buldge, with suggestion of small central disk herniation, protrusion type.
At L5-S1 level asmemetric to the left disc annular bulge with left foraminal extension is noted. There is mild interval retraction of the voluminous component of the disk bulge that was present in the left paracentral location. There is slightly less pronounced left foraminal component of the bulging disc annulus. The disc annular bulge still mildly flattens the ventral aspect of thecal sac, abuts and mildly flattens the left S1 in the superior lateral recess. The left neural foramen is mildly narrowed at the entrance. The right neural foramen is within normal range.

1. Further interval decrease in signal intensity and height of the intervertebral sic at L5-S1 level. Progressive dehydration of the disc material at L5-S1 results in mild retraction of the left paracentral component of the dic protrusion that was present on the previous exam in August 2010. The disc annulare bulge and the left paracentral broad based disc protrusion are less voluminous.
2. Asymmetric to the left briad based residual disc protrusion and mild osteophytic ridging of the endplates flattens the ventral aspect of the thecal sac and left S1 at the level of superior lateral recess. No evidence of significant central canal compromise. Mild narrowing of the left nueral foramin.
3. Mild narrowing of the central canal at L4-5 level. Mild bioforaminal narrowing, slighly grater on the left, at L-4 level.

*also noted on 8/2010 MRI was a left S-1 Tarlov cyst, not noted on this MRI*

Can anyone help me decipher in english, exactly what is happening to my child>?? I will be eternally greatful for anyones help/advice.

Worried mom of Abbey Elizabeth......
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