Thank you for sharing your story... I am in the decision making process & so frustrated, so confused that I really do not know what to do. I have heard that insurance might pay for surgery in Germany, but Dr. Clavel was my first choice. I understand that Dr. Clavel will travel to Stenum Hosp. and do surgery with Dr. Ritter Lang. My doctor here initially suggested ADR, then he changed and said fusion, then last week he said 2 level ADR but he immediately informed me that insurance would not pay for a 2 level ADR. My head is spinning - well, no its not that would cause way too much pain.
Reading testimonials such as yours does ease the fear of traveling across the big pond, but its still a very scary proposition. Any suggestions?
Any advice?
I'm open...
Thank you.
Originally Posted by Jarrod
Thanks for the imput on TOS. I am planning on getting a neurography scan to confirm the diagnosis. I want to make sure that they can see the nerve entrapment before I go any further. I am hoping for the scan in August. They actually have a neurography scan center that just opened in St. Petersburg Fl. so at least I can stay in state for it. Tos is very tricky and before nueurograhy there was no clear diagnosis for it. Im hoping to get to the bottom of my pain generator sometime soon, but am being very cautious about surgery. My St. louis surgeon was quick to want to preform surgery, but I wanted a more comprehensive diagnosis which is why mri neurography is in my future. As far as my ADR surgery I feel very confident that it was a success and feel very blessed to have found Dr. Clavel. who was and still is involved in my recovery. I email him and he responds within the day. My recovery has been up and down and the past 4 months has been so much better than the previous 6 month period that was just unbearable at times. I even considered taking out the discs for fusion, but Dr. Clavel said to wait and that it would get better slowly, so I did and it has gotten so much better. I had 3 levels which is very big surgery, and I think I was expecting to just get it done and be back to normal in 6 months.
For all of you out there who have had ADR surgery or thinking about having it done,,,,(It will take you all the way up to 2 years to get back to yourself and feel like it was the right thing to do.) I was in great shape (280 pound bodybuilder) before my herniation and surgery and it has taken me 19 months to get to where I feel somewhat normal and not in pain for half the day. So please take it from me Mr. Impatient that it takes time and to expect ups and downs throughout your recovery period. Please use the forum for suppport and to vent as i did, the people are great and they truely understand what you may be going through. Keep your head up and stay motivated to get through the rough phase of recovery, it will get better, I was so depressed and worn out, physically and mentally, but now i am 80% improved and feel my life comming back.
May everyone improve and have a quality of life after spinal surgery, GOD Bless!!
Sincerly, Jarrod