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Old 07-24-2012, 06:01 PM
Jarrod Jarrod is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 38


Some advice for you! Dr. Clavel is a great surgeon with wonderful bedside manner Also he replied to my emails for as long as I sent them to him up to a year later. My surgery went as smoothly as possible for a 3 level ADR, 8 hours after surgery I was up and sitting in a chair eating some soup, and 2 days after I was taking a shower by myself. I needed no oral pain meds execpt for 800 mg Ibuprofen, and that was needed rarely.

The nursing staff and hospital Qurion were top notch and I had a private room with a great view. My sister and I were out of the hospitial in 3 days and touring barcelona at about 5-8 miles per day (walking). The plane ride home 10 hours was a breeze and I am very pleased with my m6 c discs.

It was about 6 months after surgery that I had my worst symptoms that had me going crazy and wondering if the discs had migrated or were malfunctioining, but im at about 18 months post surgery and feeling very good, back to bodybuilding and doing things like I use to. I cannot thank Dr. Pablo Clavel enough for giving me back my life and letting me enjoy things the way I use too. Be aware though that it takes time for your body (spine) to adjust to the discs and the trauma that it has been through. I hit the turning at about 1 year and believe me I was very worried that I was a failure be prepared to go through ups and downs during recovery. I have heard good and bad stories on Dr. Ritter Lang so for me it would have to be Dr. Clavel and demand that he and only he operates on you no interns. It was the best 40,000 $ investment I ever made and suggest you go ADR vs FUSION for the adjacent protection it seems to offer. Dont be scared of going to Spain, Barcelona is gorgeous and the people and hospital staff are amazing. I hope this helps as I was nervous before my decision, but I guarantee you will not be dissapointed if you choose the m6 disc and DR. Clavel, he is amazing!!! Feel free to contact me at as I would like to help other spine patients with this difficult decision. GOD BLESS!

Sincerly, Jarrod
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