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Old 12-19-2012, 01:19 PM
rabbit rabbit is offline
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Neurontin ?? Can be used for chronic neurogenic pain.
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Originally Posted by housemd89 View Post
I feel as if the doctors i've been seeing don't really care and just think it's normal back pain, when i showed my GP the bony lump she said "bony lumps are normal". How can they be normal when i didn't have before!
Coming from a physician that does this a lot, bony lumps are "normal", or nothing to be concerned about. I can't think of a single common disease process that would have you develop a "bony lump" that you could feel. Sure, facet joints degenerate, you can develop ligamentous calcifications, but all of these you likely would not be able to feel as a 'lump'. Sure, there are other things like sarcomas, etc. that could lead to dystrophic calcifications, etc. but those are exceedingly rare and you would know by now if you had something serious like that. I know people are always desperate for answers, but I just don't understand why people persist in 'Monday night quarterback-ing' their medical health, and don't trust their physicians when they say something is normal. Anyway, the most likely cause of a bony lump is weight loss, and being able to feel structures that you normally cannot. Assuming you haven't had weight loss, then the next most common thing is a lump that has been there all along that you are just starting to feel now. These are the two most common things. Then there is the list of scary but rare things that could be considered, but most of these you would have noticed by now in other ways.

Last edited by rabbit; 12-19-2012 at 01:22 PM.
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