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Old 07-09-2013, 04:59 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default hope your back is ok today

No doubt you may feel some aggravation w/o the prednisone as it's such a powerful anti-inflammatory drug though I hope your pain if present is minimal. I don't know if you're having just the flare up type of pain from disc material leaking on nerves and muscle spasms etc or if you also have facet pain or other pain generators involved.

Hopefully if you speak with Mark you can get a better grip of what might be going on and maybe who it would be worth your while to consult with. Trying to get your HMO to authorize any outside spine consults will probably be futile and even getting in to see someone in the network that you may want to see will likely take time. I dislike HMOs very much for their management of things like back pain although some do have good Pain Management services and some very good doctors. Unfortunately it's the insurance co. themselves that restrict so much of what a really good doctor would or could do. At least this is my opinion.

So wishing you the best. We do understand here believe me. Maria
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