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Old 07-11-2013, 01:40 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default resolved or ?

Hold your last few thoughts there and do a wait and see if you're feeling better. I'd like to say things can resolve themselves and I think for some people they actually might. That wasn't my case although I went thru years of having flare ups and then periods in between without probs. When the flareups became more frequent and closer together or the period inbetween was indistinguishable then I had my first spine surgery.

Keep a positive outlook even though the spine stuff is driving you crazy because the good thing is you are at the point where you can get more information and there are options. While it may not seem like a good place to be believe me it is (at least in the spinal problem journey).

Keep us updated please if you're so inclined. Hope you'll find a really good spine doc to consult with! Maria
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