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Old 07-18-2013, 12:28 AM
rbrown rbrown is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Monrovia, CA
Posts: 26

I have flexeril but it only makes me a little tired and as far as I can tell doesnt stop the spasms. I requested a referral for a second opinion from an Ortho spine specialist but hurry up and wait I guess. The way things have been going I have a bad attitude and assume the next spine Dr wont care either. Ive spent many hours now ready on Chirogeeks site. Very educational but again I'm totally confused about my current state. I am very guarded and stiff/locked up. Almost no pain at all unless the spasms grab. I figure its got to get a lot worse very soon.

I'm still seeing the Chiropractor. I told him today I didnt want him to do any attempts at the stronger type manipulations. He agreed and used the activator thingy on me today. I also saw my physical therapist yesterday and he gave me some core exercises I can do without spasms. They are for coordination and stamina not strength which he said is more important for now. I'd bet if I make another appointment with Dr Seltzer maybe for the toradol inj Maria suggested for the spasms, I'd bet I wouldnt be having any spasms that day!

Man I am really sick of this.....I dont know if these spasms are muscle related or if its disk or nerve issue. Sure seems like I'd be having leg or butt pain or symptoms to some degree if it was disk or nerve related. If not then what?? Ive been exercising, stretching, walking as much as I can........what gives!
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