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Old 07-23-2013, 11:29 AM
theBadCormorant theBadCormorant is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 36

Maria: I'm guessing PCP is our equivelant of a GP "general practitioner / family doctor" (I'm in the UK)

I haven't spoke to my doctor, however a neighbour who is a nurse thought it was quite normal and nothing to worry about, and a pharmacist also said much the same - Indigestion does seem to come up as a side effect to Tramadol. At the moment the indigestion is quite mild, it only occurs once or twice during the night and I can put out the flames with a glass of water. Just don't want to set myself up with some long term problem. (I have enough to cope with at the moment)

Yes the Tramadol does seem to be working for some of the pain. It has no effect on the big pain that stops me - the pain that compels me to lie down after 10 minutes on my feet or 5 minutes sitting is undiminished by the Opioid. However the Tramadol does seem to get rid of the low level pain that can otherwise go on and on for hours on end, disrupts sleeps and stops any form of concentration and makes life a misery.

To get an idea of where I am with the pain, I did come off the Tramadol for three days over the weekend - that wearing low level pain did return. (and did I feel weird on day one with no tramadol ) Back on the Tramadol now, and as I lie here and type I am entirely comfortable, about to head out into the garden for a while, at which point the tramadol will become useless and the pain will undoubtedly be back with its full nastiness.
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