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Old 09-26-2013, 01:35 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default gabapentin

At first I was prescribed 2400 mg/day but that was too much so I cut down to 1800/day and that worked out fine for me. Back when I started it I was advised not to go anywhere or do anything for about the first 2 weeks on it and by then I adjusted to it. At first I felt "stoned!" I think I may have even had the munchies! I was taking Gabapentin 3 years before I started taking the pain medication and now that I recall it was my OSS that started me on it because I hadn't gone to PM until 2001.

When I added in the opioid pain med I recall nodding out a lot especially if it was really warm and sunny or a hot day. In fact I couldn't put anything on the stove and walk away from it because I'd fall asleep if I sat down for a minute and would wake up to a smoke alarm going off!

I think being on bedrest is difficult but it seems I've gotten used to it a number of times when I've had to which has been more times than I'd like to count.

That's interesting about the foot drop. I guess you have to wait because of the surgery and swelling and inflammation that might be going on giving a temporary footdrop even tho you had it going into surgery.

I guess if I had a fusion (which I don't want) since I have osteoporosis I might not be a candidate for a posterior approach either.
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