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Old 10-07-2013, 05:33 PM
Billy Bob Billy Bob is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 13
Default Years of Pain no solid diagnosis


When I read what some of you have been through I feel foolish posting my problems. However I really need some advice/help.

For almost the last two years I have had pain that is almost undiagnosable.

The symptoms started in my lower left calf. Over time it radiated up my leg, mostly hamstring and eventually glute and finally my lower left lumbar area.

There are two kinds of pain, a constant ache that is almost impossible to control. And then shooting pains, I imagine it is like an ice pick getting stabbed into me.

I have been taking a mixture of drugs:

occasionally muscle relaxers.

The Nerountin and cymbalta have pretty much put the shooting/stabbing pains in check. And the opiates usually (not always) help with the rest of the pain.

Here is the other treatments and diagnosis I have had:

Xrays (countless)
MRIs (at least 3 I can remember)
Ultra sound
3 rounds of nerve root in jections
countless rounds of trigger point injections
Oral steriods
dozens upon dozens of rounds of physical theraphy
Spinal decompression from a PT, and I also own my own inversion table

* I stopped getting the SRIs because I started getting intense migranes that would last for over a week after the procedure. I called my doctor telling them that the migranes were almost making me vomit. They thought I was accusing them of piercing my spine and insisted there was no way they could have done that. All I was trying to tell them is I needed help. I didn't have the head ache before the procedure and I got one after....

The bottom line is, the Xrays only show very mild disc degeneration. The MRIs are good. Some doctors say that this could be piriformis, others say they don't konw what it is.

The pain is VERY VERY real. I used to be in amazing shape. I was an avid weight lifter and was very strong. I worked out for years. People would marvel at my body etc. Now I do not work out at all.

I hate taking the meds all the time but if I don't I am in pain. Some times the pain is so bad I can't think. Sometimes the shooting pains cause me to drop things. Sleep can be impossible at times. I know I am not making this up or it is not all in my mind. I have a very high pain threashold. Like I said I would do punishing works outs, and I was also an avid martial artist. Pain was something that I could easily handle. But not this pain. It never goes away.

Does anyone have suggestions? I am desparate.
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