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Old 10-07-2013, 06:11 PM
theBadCormorant theBadCormorant is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 36
Default Bizarre cures and remedies

First of all and most importantly the following could very well be very dangerous, so don't go trying it without first seeking advise from a heart specialist - IT COULD KILL YOU !

I had quite a nasty slipped disc at the beginning of June that had me crawling around on the ground for a couple of months in more pain that I could have previously imagined possible, Aug and sept have slowly seen me recover and get back to some normality in my life, although still struggling with stuff like sitting for any length of time, walking very far and still bothered with sensory changes (numbness) to the sole of my foot.

So we decided last week to go on a big adventure down to the beach, we normally go weekly but I have had to give it a miss all summer because of my back problems. So what a treat, visiting one of my favourite places, we are very lucky here in Scotland, we have some amazing, beautiful and often deserted beaches, however being in a northern clime the sea can be astonishingly cold.

So to cut a long story short, I just could not resist the temptation, stripped off and went in for a swim - WOW it was cold, it virtually takes your breath away when you first go in, but what a feeling when you come out. Anyway, four days on and the numbness/tingling in the sole of my foot has gone, it feels entirely normal. I guess the shock of a dip in an icy cold sea has moved something for the better ! (still a long way from being back to normal, but very encouraging for the horrible numbness to go)

As i said at the beginning of the post, going into very cold water is very dangerous and possibly life threatening, so don't do it. Over and above my spinal problems i am a fit person and have been going into the cold sea all my life!

So what do you do that is entirely out of the ordinary, ideally a little mad or bizarre that you do that helps you?
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