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Old 11-04-2013, 09:45 PM
Billy Bob Billy Bob is offline
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Originally Posted by Maria View Post
Doctor's office acts like they don't give a sh*t going into surgery makes me wonder what they'll act like on the other side especially if there are problems vs. "perfect outcome."

If you do not have emergent reasons to have spine surgery don't rush yourself or go with someone who you have a not so good feeling about re surgery because believe me if you end up with less than good or OK results or bad results you're going to probably kick yourself in the behind for jumping the gun because you "were tired of being in pain or tired of the way things are".... Back surgeries are like no other surgery with regard to predictability of outcome.

Spine surgery does not always fix things and oft times one will either have a long haul to recovery which can be surprising unless the surgeon prepares one for this (with a possible bumpy road recovery) or the recovery will not be what is expected and one might have to have more surgeries because of the surgery that one had "to FIX things."

If you are prepared for the above type of results as well as good results then you are prepared. Also I would never tell anyone who needed truly emergency spine surgery to wait but I would tell those who have a choice to really feel very comfortable with the decision you are making for all the right reasons (don't justify) because spine surgery is a super big deal/ordeal and if things don't go your way and the surgeon did everything he or she was supposed to do right and it still didn't turn out "the way expected" one doesn't want to be kicking themselves in the arse regarding his or her own decision to have surgery.

So please take the time to check this sitch out as thoroughly as you are able before committing yourself to surgery and then be prepared to accept results whatever they might be. We are all often unrealistic at what we think can be achieved with spine surgery or at least how quickly it might be achieved and/or without any other type of little problems or complications that could occur.

Good luck to you and I do hope whatever you do will help you to feel much much better and last a long time! Maria


Thanks for all of the great advice. My last goal here is to have surgery. I mean if I get a diagnosis that indicates I need surgery I will entertain the thought. However I will most likely get at least one second opinion if my doctors states that I need to have surgery. Fortunately I have only had two operations in my life. One was very successful and the other was mediocre. Neither of these operations were for my back (fortunately).

I am perhaps most lucky because my father is a doctor. I have fought hard to not involve him in this issue (he is not a spinal surgeon, but he has almost 40 years of experience in emergency medicine). I wanted to try to handle this on my own. But after a year of living in pain, and no one can figure out why, I started reaching out to him for help (he was more than willing, I just wanted to be a big boy). He and I for almost another this entire year are putting our heads together to try to get this solved. He tells me he knows something is not right because he sees the way I am moving. He can tell I am in pain.

And he has actually had a couple of disc issues, one of which what required surgery (was very successful). However I remember him warning me about back surgery way before I ever had issues. This was when he was having issues and he was reluctant to go into surgery. He mentioned how one of his co-workers had to have back surgery and ended up having to retire because of the outcome. So he got lucky, but he too didn't sugar coat any of the possible outcomes.

I guess what I would really like is just a solid diagnosis. I don't want to feel like I am dreaming all of this or making it all up. Luckily I have not felt that way to much yet. However I have my first visit with my spinal doc (in a while) this friday. I am going in hopes of two things. First I hope he has another direction to take all of this in or new things to try. Second, hopefully he "believes" me. I don't want to be treated like I am trying to get money out of this (his office does a lot of work man comp). The last thing I want on earth is to slow down, and get paid for not working... I love my job. I have fought tooth and nail to get where I am at in the world.

Ok I am rambling now.


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