Thread: Inversion table
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Old 01-15-2015, 06:36 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default Inversion table

I think what you are talking about is the thing one lies back on and hangs near upside down? I have seen that Costco has one type for $299. I was thinking to purchase one. One of my neighbors has one on his patio and he uses it nearly every day. Says he just stays on it a few minutes when he feels like his back is getting sore or "crunched up" in his terms. He has some bad lumbar discs but has had no surgery. I have had 2 failed discectomies and while on low dose daily opioid therapy now for quite some time still have flare ups.. like this last one lasting 6 weeks. I feel better when I walk but sitting is not good and laying down can become painful too.

Am seeing my OSS today after not seeing him for a year now (have been seeing same person since 1998 with no surgeries performed by him). He's my WC Primary Treating Physician for my low back prob. I imagine he will order an xray but doubt anything else unless my symptoms are gruesome enough to warrant WC paying for it and that is sincerely doubtful.

There is only one thing I have noticed that is different than the last so many years or so and that while most of my lumbar pain is midline low lumbar and to the left iliac crest area sometimes piraformis.. my right upper leg (thigh) while driving for about 20 minutes will start to ache and feel weak with pain and dead weight like. I have to pull my pants on the top and hold my leg up to alleviate this feeling or put my hand underneath my leg and support it. My foot feels fine while all this is going on and functions well. Also getting some sharp shooting pains in the upper thigh on the right when walking which I can usually just walk off after a few minutes.

Anyway writing down what I'm going to ask him today and while I don't have an ADR I'm still going to ask about using the Inversion table and see what he says.
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