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Old 07-17-2015, 02:35 AM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default re MRI

No, not really planning on any surgical recommendations unless absolutely necessary for some really hinky type of finding.. more just to find out what is
going on in there at least from my standpoint. The surgeon might have a different idea. My PM had suggested I get an updated MRI because while being weaned off pain meds as I've experienced some pain that I hadn't before but that's was after my back went out a couple of times. Lately since I've not gone any further with the Methadone wean (a bit under 5mg/day) I've been Ok except for a near constant catch in my low back when lean forward. Sometimes way worse than others. Also a good deal of tailbone discomfort to pain resurfacing if sit a bit too much (which still isn't all that much).

I'd really like for L4 to do what it seems L5S1 did which is fuse on it's own but seems like if that's going to happen I'm going to feel "the ride" all the way to that point.

Along the way with weaning my pain med dose and after my back went out and while starting to recover had this crazy pain in the area of kidneys on both sides... felt like the area was sprained and it was really weird pain .. an ex addict (junkie) ex neighbor I know told me that's part of withdrawal... makes you feel like your kidneys have been bashes by 2x4's... actually have gotten more withdrawal/weaning information from this type of source than from doctors!

Will see what the findings yield.
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