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Old 09-25-2015, 08:21 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default why I asked..

A friend started to notice some weakness in his left hand when he played the guitar (dominant hand). He had a stiff neck upon waking at times and while didn't actually have pain felt that he had trouble positioning his neck for years while sleeping or to allow for a comfortable sleep position. He was diagnosed with cervical disc problems because he had disc changes on MRI. He was not recommended to have surgery as far as I know and he continued to have problems and progressive weakness. Finally he was advised to have surgery for his progressive weakness BUT he got a referral to a group at UCLA and someone decided to do a very full workup on him and including a spinal tap and lo and behold he actually had what was then called the "rare progressive form of MS".. (not called that now). This diagnosis came at least 3-4 years after initial disc related diagnosis (21 years ago).

I was just wondering with regard to your diagnosis. He had mostly weakness as his symptom and on one side of his body. Now it's well progressed into muscle wasting and he's in a motorized wheelchair most of the time.

It was thought that the MS might have actually stemmed from some orbital fracture he had in his face back when he was in his early 20's. You just never know what's going to happen in this life and why..

I know it's a bitter pill to swallow re what you're going thru.. I thought the same thing after my 2nd spine surgery failed and I was left with super horrific back pain and neuropathies that lasted nearly 17 years post 2nd surgery.

Again I do hope somehow things will get better for you and do keep plugging away the best able at having things checked out and "dealing with it" as best able too.

We do get some really crazy challenges thrown at us in this life though it's the only one we have so have to just keep "keeping on" and hoping a new day brings something better. That's what pretty much kept me going.

Again please keep us posted. I'm interested to read or hear about your endeavors and how things go.. good bad or indifferent. Wishing you all the best though!

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