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Old 07-10-2007, 09:07 PM
LC in UK LC in UK is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: uk
Posts: 66

Hi Betsy
What a struggle, it's very difficult to stay positive when everything hurts and you just want to get on and not have to think about how much more damage you're going to do to yourself by activity.
Worst time is first few steps out of bed, I stagger like Frankensteins monster from my bedroom to the bathroom! My knees hips and feet feel like wooden joints, just like a puppet would have with no cushioning in the joints.
Makes me feel SO old!
Thats the depression, no escaping that sinking feeling. I'm usually better after an hour or so, and my lovely warm bubble bath. Can't stand looking at my puffy knees and less than perfect thighs and they really need firming up but I'm scared to do the level of exercise needed!
Oh I have to laugh at myself otherwise I'd have no friends !
Hope you've got good friends too who do know what you're coping with, mine are very good and they tell me off for doing too much but if I just sat around that would be so depressing.
Colo-rectal surgeon I saw yesterday says problems are down to previous abdo surgery - especially hysterectomy possibly damaging stomach wall and muscles there. Wants me to have pain killing injections but he hasn't convinced me that it's referred pain. Think he just wants me off his clinic list.
We've got those doctors too Betsy! Some doctors feel better if they can convince us we're mad. If you're mad then I am too!
Well I have to wait for the spinal probe anyway so the Dynesys and other scaffolding can be checked out but that won't be for a few weeks yet, just have to keep staggering around!
Bet I've really cheered you up eh?!?!
Keep pounding the treadmill and think of me with a bolt through my neck!
Speak soon
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