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Old 06-21-2008, 08:23 PM
nopain nopain is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 53

You can do the Eply Maneuver from home.

This video displays the maneuver very well.

It is the EXACT same thing that was administered to me by a Neurologist on my first visit shortly after my symptoms.

There is no reason to wait to give it a try. Just watch the video and do it.

Here is supporting text:

Your vertigo may or may not be related to your ear and some kind of infection.

I had many tests including Balance center testing. And Peripheral causes were ruled out.

An no mine did not occur after surgery.

I get very frustrated with Doctors who try to compartmentalize Vertigo. I saw 3 ENT's and they all said "I don't know". Which is fine. I had a surgeon tell me recently that the ONLY way I could have balance issues is from Spinal Stenosis. Which is know is NOT true.

cervical propriocepters play a role in your balance.

Specialized nerve endings located in muscles and around joints that are sensitive to touch, pressure, and the movement of muscle tissue surrounding them.

You can research it do death. But trying to find a Doctor to diagnose and pinpoint the "source" of your problem is a nearly impossible task.

If you have Vertigo as the result of an ear infection consider yourself lucky, because they can treat and fix it. It's when it is related to Nerves (Central not Peripheral) that diagnosis and treatment becomes a daunting task.

I hope you get over yours, cause while pain is bad, having your internal gyroscope out of whack is terrifying.
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