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Old 11-17-2006, 10:41 AM
necknose necknose is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 12
Thumbs up Considering a "Lami" Variant/Posterior Spine Surgery?

Fellow Spineys.

Don't expect your (US) ortho/neuro spine surgeon to have a clue about the foregoing.

"Lami" Surgery:
Used for posterior spine pathologies, and for multi-level surgery where an anterior surgery, fusion for example, would leave the patient w/greatly reduced mobility and the postulated accelerated adjacent segment disease do to immobilized/fused segments:

If you're considering one of the "lami" surgeries: laminectomy, laminoplasty, backdoor/frenchdoor laminectomy, etc..

Google: "skip laminectomy", "split laminectomy".

There are variants by other names but I'm not sure how close they are to the skip/split variants.

This "lami" variant is a vast improvement over its predecessors. It is done with a microscope, reducing incision size, and is 99% muscle sparing. Incredible! The frequent sad aftermath, of chronic pain, muscle adhesions, etc., that seem to be the inevitable consequence of most variants of "lami" surgery, are greatly diminished w/this approach.

In some cases instrumentation is used but not always.

This operation is so superior to other "lami's" that any "lami"/posterior entry spine surgery candidate should research it and bring it to their surgeon's attention. If this technique isn't known or offered by the surgeon in question search the web and the surgical community for practitioners.

If you come up empty, surgeon-wise, PM me.

Good luck.
Cervical Spine Requires Treatment.
Cervical ADR seriously contemplated.
Northern CA.
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