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Old 10-13-2008, 11:50 AM
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Cheryl Cheryl is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 94

I am laughing out loud about the food thing. I remember STARVING and Chuck actually called me in the hospital and I was complaining about that fact they wouldn't let me eat yet. He just said "Honey, something has to come out before it goes in". I had never actually spoken with him and that was our first converstion.

And yes that dried toast was great!!

Party like a ROCK STAR - you are doing awesome. Happy Birthdays.
44 Year Old, mom of 3
DDD - l4-s1- woke up Feb 2005 and couldn't walk
Tried PT, Injections, Accupuncture, drugs, etc.
2 level Prodisc ADR L4-S1, Feb. 18, 2008 Dr. Bertagnoli - Straubing, Germany - SUCCESS -

Now I struggle with Neck Pain likely c5-7
PT, injections, rhizotomy.......MRI and CT Myleo not consistent with pain symptoms, waiting that out, keeping my passport valid
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