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Old 01-04-2009, 04:49 PM is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 2
Thumbs down Dr. Filler - Be Careful

If I can save one patient from going to this physician, this posting will have been worth it.

The first flashing red light I ignored was that Dr. Filler’s office did not take any insurance, and was a cash only, pay up front operation. My initial office visit was $500 cash. He was extremely tardy for the appointment. With virtually no conversation, he looked over my chart and concluded, big surprise, that I needed an MRN on my butt/pelvis. Dr. Filler’s big contribution to the world is piriformis forma syndrome which is where the sciatic nerve becomes intertwined in the piriformis forma (deep butt) muscle. Problem is that I had had seven previous lumbar surgeries and lumbar pain, not piriformis forma pain. I wrote Dr. Filler a letter and suggested that a lumbar MRN might also be appropriate. He agreed and added a lumbar MRN to my prescription. Why wouldn’t he, now instead of my MRN costing $1800, it cost $3600 because it included two areas. Surprise, surprise, after reading the MRNs (Dr. Filler’s cut is about $1300 to read each MRN–way beyond normal and customary charges), he said I had several pinched nerves in my lumbar spine, but no problems with my piriformis forma area. So, his initial reaction to see every patient as a piriformis forma patient was dead wrong in my case. By the way, the MRNs had to be paid in cash.

After scheduling an MRN at a facility near my home in San Diego, they called me back and told me that they could no longer accept me. When I pressed them as to why, they told me that Dr. Filler’s office had not paid their bills, and they were no longer doing business with him. I should have stopped after this flashing red light, but I stupidly pressed on. I had my wife drive me to Los Angeles (120) miles) to get my MRN.

Dr. Filler suggested that I needed a transforamenal nerve block at L-4. Later I found out that I had no L-4 nerve symptoms, but it was too late. Dr. Filler makes a lot of money on nerve blocks–one of his gravy trains. I had had many epidurals over the years, but this one was far different. I left in a wheelchair unable to walk.

I spent the next three months writhing in excruciating pain in my bed at home. I was in and out of the emergency room. It has been over two years since my nerve block. My life, and my family’s life, is far different from when I walked into to see Dr. Filler.

Dr. Filler did order some tests to see what had happened, but those tests were always in Los Angeles, not San Diego. Here is the lesson: If you go to an out-of-town doctor, what happens if things don’t go smoothly? The answer is, you are in big trouble because that doctor cannot make things happen outside his immediate area. In my case, I laid on an air mattress in the back of my wife’s SUV to make my LA appointments. If we would have lived further away, I wouldn’t have been able to keep these appointments. Let me tell you from experience, your local doctors are going to be very reluctant to clean up an out-of-town doctor’s mess.

When the months ran by and my problems didn’t clear up, Dr. Filler employed a new strategy. He suggested that I needed psychiatric treatment, and wrote a letter and a prescription for such. His letter was like something from the Twilight Zone. It was completely fabricated. He claimed in his letter that I called his office and said there was “blood running down my leg from my abdomen...” This is ridiculous, and simply fabricated by Dr. Filler.

I have learned that whenever someone says something stupid, such as “you need a psychiatric evaluation,” ask them to put it in writing. In my entire life this was the first time someone ever said something so stupid and then proceeded to put it in writing! I have never had any psychiatric problems or visits. I’ve been happily married for 26 years. I don’t even have speeding tickets. Yet, Dr. Filler, without asking any psychiatric questions, having spoken to me for perhaps a total of ten minutes, could ascertain that I needed psychiatric help. Clearly, the fabricated letter he wrote indicated it was him who needed some help. Later he wrote me a certified letter that he didn’t want me to contact his office any more. In other words–GET LOST PROBLEM PATIENT!

So, that’s Dr. Filler’s idea of medical care: Charge sky high prices, demand cash, then call the patient crazy and abandon them if things go bad. The worst of the worst in terms of physicians. Later I found out that Dr. Filler had quite a history for being sued, but his record is clean according to the California Medical Board. Here is a partial list from a search of the Santa Monica court house near his office. If you do settle a malpractice case, you can offer the defendant a settlement an get them to sign a “you did nothing wrong” letter. Later, you take that letter back to court and get your malpractice charges dropped even though you paid off the defendant–slick eh. Unless, of course, you happen to be a patient who is relying on the medical board information to reflect the physician’s actual record. I’m not saying that happened here, but it does happen. ( You can get details of these cases (and more) by going to this site and using your credit card. This is public information. Now imagine how many more cases went to arbitration. Imagine how many more cases are located at other court houses (this list is two years dated).

Malpractice 8/12/2003
Malpractice 5/16/2005
Malpractice 4/3/1998
Malpractice 3/10/1997
Malpractice 11/14/1996
Breach Rental/Lease 10/7/2004

Again, my purpose in writing this is to attempt to save another patient from what I am going through. You would not wish this on your worst enemy. If Dr. Filler reads this, I would hope it would cause him to reflect on his practice, and change his incredibly arrogant attitude before he kills someone (assuming he hasn’t already). Dr. Filler, if you are reading this, as a scientist myself, let me point out that an egotistical, arrogant attitude greatly interferes with your ability to think clearly. You have ruined my life.

Patients: perhaps you can get an MRN at other facilities (again a dated list):

Inview Medical Imaging - Fremont, CA - (510) 490-0961
Colorado Neurological Institute - Englewood, CO - (303) 788-1740

If you do choose Dr. Filler, do not let him perform any procedures on you. Let him do his MRN then leave with your films/DVDs.

Good luck, and please use extreme caution.
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