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Old 02-07-2009, 11:06 PM
runner runner is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 331


You figured out before who I was. Cannot hide anywhere. Just joking.
I hope you feel better.
I am also interested about what the docs tell you because I have had the sciatica/radiculopathy/numbness (c**p) in both legs for five months. Now, I am getting increased back pain. Reading online there doesn't seem to be a good solution after ADR.
I went to a workers comp doc on Thursday and he was telling me my ADR had failed to relieve my pain. I told him the pain doc told me that L5/S1, below my ADR, has DDD. This doc (chief of neuro) disagreed with me of course. It was disheartening to hear him talk. He totally dismissed lumbar discography and essentially warned me about having any further surgery "because it probably wouldn't work".
He also spoke about getting a myleogram.
My docs haven't even spoken the big "S".
So I was pretty discouraged afterwards. It is tough.

One thing is for sure, is that this will make you a better doc. I wanted to put those discogram needles in the wc doc when he had a painful disc to see if he could tell the difference between a painful disc and one that is not. Ha. Ha.

Rest and hopefully your pain will be relieved soon.

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