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Old 04-13-2009, 03:51 PM
Maria Maria is offline
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Default I will continue

To buy 3 plane tickets/seats wherever and whenever possible to travel as I cannot stand sitting for over an hour to fly (and even that's long for me) but the airport scene is something else.

I have sobbed my little *disabled* bad back heart out until a wheelchair was brought to me outside of the Tampa airport when I had to fly to move back to CA. as I had 3 cat carriers, one medium size suitcase, one carry on and a bag, and my purse..

I had been told that curb service could assist me with a w/c when I made my reservations including booking the cats but the curb guys refused and said that wasn't their job that morning and by that time because I had cleaned my house that we were selling the a.m. of leaving and finished packing and catching the cats I was DEAD freaking tired and my back was spasming up a storm (plus no ESI as the PM doc had refused because he wanted to do Facet injections instead)..

Thanks to some wonderfully caring women around me a wheelchair was obtained, I was pushed where I needed to go and helped with all else by strangers who felt some compassion (and yes, sorry for me which was OK).

I made sure to let Delta know how I felt about that incident! And I usually end up speaking to Supervisors about my flight arrangements as no matter how easy I think booking 3 seats together for myself should be and I don't think I'm the only person in the world that does that.. it seems there's often a snafu.

Anyway, I do hope you're OK and sorry about the set back. Please let us know how you're feeling in a bit~ meanwhile rest and treat the spasms.
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