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Old 04-14-2009, 07:18 AM
runner runner is offline
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I understand your frustration and it is ok to vent.
I am sorry you are having neck pain on top of everything else you have gone through.
You know i have kind of learned not to let things go too far with the doctor offices or other places and make my own calls to see that something gets done. I had to do it to make sure I got a discogram appt this week.
Tonight, my hubby calls from the pharmacy and tells me that my prescription for percocets won't go through and I have to wait until the 20th for the script.
Now, I can do math and I could not figure out why if I last filled a script for 23 tabs on 3-10, how I have to wait more than a month to fill the medication.
Well, I called the pharmacy and waited (I missed most of House) to speak to the pharmacist and found out the pain doc's PA had ordered 45 days of the drug and BC does not cover that.
My husband thought I was yelling at him but I was telling him what he was saying did not compute.
Being in the medical field, I get kind of upset with this stuff. I feel like I am a drug-seeker when i have to tell the pharmacy aide that I need this stuff because I have DDD and it looks like I have another bad disc after already having surgery. UGH.. (they were also apparently mixing up Darvocet with Percocet, I had already filled the Darvocet Rx).
I may be upset but I just asked to speak to the pharmacist and calmly figured out what was wrong.
This happens all the time but it is harder, the more pain you have.
Hang in there,

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