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Old 04-15-2009, 11:41 AM
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Justin Justin is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 303


It's good to hear that you contacted Lufthansa. I flew with them in 2003 for my surgery and I didn't understand the hype about it being such a great airline.

Anyway, I'm glad you are feeling better and the distraction pain will get better as time goes on.

So you're back to watching the Jerry Springer Show, eh?
1994 Football Injury
1997 Snow Skiing Injury
Laminotomy L4/L5 (3.7.97--17 years old)
1999 & 2003 MVA (not at fault both times)
Grade V Tears L4/L5 & L5/L6
2-Level ProDisc® L4/L5 & L5/L6* *lumbosacral transitional vertebra (11.15.03--23 years old)
Dr. Rudolf Bertagnoli --
Pain-free for the last 4.5 yrs.
5.14.09 DSS with Dr. B.
I'm here to help. Only checking PMs currently.
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