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Surgical Outcomes and Blogs Discuss Just had surgery. Mobi-c at C6-C7 in the Main forums forums; So I will start with my history. I'm 40 years old, been into body building since high school. I ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2014, 06:26 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 1
Default Just had surgery. Mobi-c at C6-C7

So I will start with my history. I'm 40 years old, been into body building since high school. I have always had a problem with a pinched nerve in my neck since high school. Towards the end of high school I developed shoulder pain when I did certain shoulder exercises. over the years this got worse. A year and a half ago It was so bad I had numbness and tingling in my right arm down to my hand with really bad shoulder pain. One day I woke up and rolled over in bed and my right arm just flopped over. So I rolled back over on my back and it just flopped back. I was in shock looking at my hand as I could not feel or move my arm. I could barley move my fingers. Spent one week in bed moaning in pain while on tons of drugs which had no effect. Started physical therapy a few weeks later. It took two months before I could barely lift a 2lb weight. Prior to this I was a 220lb bodybuilder with 19" arms at 5'9" and could rep 315 on the bench 15 times no problem. After 9 months in physical therapy I realized the only way out of this is surgery.

When I first went to the Dr. they wanted to do fusion. I was like no way! I finally decided that I wanted Moby-C. I noticed most Dr. reviews are based on their personality's which is useless. So I looked up who did the clinical trials for Moby-C two levels. One of the Dr's was Robert Jackson In Laguna. Right by me! So I went to him and scheduled surgery.
Surgery was Friday Morning (dec 5th 2014). I was scared to death of this! Dude, it was so freaking nothing! Getting my wisdom teeth pulled was way way way more painful! The worst part was I got nauseous from the anesthesia and threw up for a few hours. I also get nauseous from pain killers. By Saturday evening I was feeling fine. No painkillers, no muscle relaxants, no pain, no nothing! I made a pizza and at it that night. I've been sleeping fine, and when I wake up I'm pain free and not walking crooked like before.
My disc above, C5-C6 is bulging and has an annular tear but no symptoms. The doctor wants me to keep my own disc as long as possible. But if and when the day comes to get surgery on that level, I will not hesitate! This surgery was nothing!

I still have a little sore throat. Not like when you get a cold, but maybe like if your glands are swollen. Ive never been punched in the throat, but I imagine it would feel the same. I only feel it when i swallow. I also have a little tension in my neck/upper back muscles, but its nothing compared to before!

Hope this helps people. Most stuff on these boards are negative, So I wanted to share my experience as it has been very positive. I do think it has a lot to do with the Dr. I've heard other people having much harsher recoveries.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2015, 01:56 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 2

Hi Mike,

How are you feeling now, as of September 19th, 2015?

I'm thinking about going to Germany for cervical ADR and would like to hear from you.

Thank you.

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