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Old 05-25-2011, 04:44 AM
Jarrod Jarrod is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 38


Don't give up!!! I have shoulder blade pain thAt does not let up... But recently it has been better, bur still rears it's ugly head and let's me know daily it is there! I shoved 3 yards of rock over the weekend and had no pain, then I clean up and relax and within 20 min here comes that old familiar dull ache that never let's up.this keeps me busy so I don't have that ache.

Also my hand clumsiness and atrophy of the hand muscles is coming from an entrapped ulnar nerve that is part of a double crush syndrome. My cervical nerve root damage has caused my ulnar nerve to become entrapped or compounded a prior ulnar nerve issue that requires surgery onmay 31st. I pray it takes away this shoulder blade pain which from what I've read is a symptom of the ulnar nerve being trapped. So much fun I cannot stand it!!

In all seriousness please keep ur head up and kno that betterdays are coming, I have you in my prayers and hope ur suffering ends soon, I have read ur posts and cannot understand the insurance companies and their policies. My BCBS would pay for a 120,000 dollar 3 level fusion that would eventually require another one and more money instead of paying 40,000 dollars for me to have a 3 level m6 ADR in Barcelona, Spain that might very well last my lifetime and require no more surgeries. It is a very ass backwards system we have here in the U.S.. I wish the very best and hope and pry you find relief in some form, you are not alone!!

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