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Old 03-19-2009, 01:43 AM
Fran Fran is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by dshobbies View Post
Hi Fran and welcome.

You've had a long history of back pain/problems and have been through several surgeries. Unfortunately, fusing discs actually promotes further degeneration as you've already experienced. You've already tried the lesser invasive remedies and it might be time again for more surgery but which one?

You might try calling Mark GPN Artificial Disc Replacement ADR. He's a spine patient advocate and can facilitate consultations with the best doctors all over the world.

However, another consideration is insurance. Depending on your circumstances (and fight), they might have the final word.

Good luck to you, Dale
Thanks for the info, I will definately look into it. And you are RIGHT ON as far as fusion only bringing on future issues due to rigidity. That being said I have always had my eyes wide open and first tried many other remedies. Good news is that now with SO much info available than ever, I can look further into alternatives, which is what I'm doing now.
The patch I started at 8:30 a.m. Chicago time yesterday did not wotk. After about 7 hours I got dizzier and dizzier, until I had no further choice but to remove it. I vomited then and am back on the old stuff till I talk to Doc again tomorrow (he was out today). I talked to the Fentanyl Hot Line and they said about 25% of people using the drug get sick. I am going to ask Doc if I can try one more time with lower mcg/h (had started with 75 mcg/h).
Don't laugh about this one!!! I had 5 children by 1993 Must have been the meds LOL.
Good luck Dale and again, thanks for the information. I want to try my best to get something other than fusion IF it turns out that I need it.
Take care, God Speed!
Best Regards,
Fran F.
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