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Old 03-19-2009, 02:08 AM
Fran Fran is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by mmglobal View Post
Sounds like you were pretty lucky to retain such a high functioning lifestyle for so long after a history that starts with multi-level fusion in 1970. I'm so sorry that you've had such a long litany of surgeries and have experienced so much 'domino effect'.

There are many options available, some that cannot be considered by your local surgeons. Please take your time and discover all your options before pulling the trigger... you can only go to the well so many times... there is a law of diminishing returns on spine surgery.

Good luck... all the best,

First I want to say Thank You. In reading your stats, I believe that you have been so inspurational and helpful to many guys and gals out there from starting this Forum.
Yes, I have been fortunate to have a very understanding Family doctor who taught me how to lower pain dosages after many years of use (Davon 100, 1970-1982 or so, Darvocet n100, '82- about 95, Ultram 50mg, from 95 to pesent) . He taught me if you will, the phychological method of pain tolerance which allowed me to be very productive in between my surgeries. He has been so helpful and caring and it's with his guidance that I have gotten through a lot of this. The only thing is I wished I would have looked further into other methods, but as I said before, I tried MANY, MANY therapies before going to the knife. It's just that the old Bod can't put up with medication like it used to and it's getting depressing having a grown family, 2 grandchildren and not be able to do what I know I can. I am so thankful for a very living and caring family as well. Without that I do not believe I would have cared as much. However, good news is ALWAYS present and that is I am following yours and others direction on FULLY investigating other alternatives. In the end it will all work out. It's just gettin' there that's a pain in the a$$.
Thanks much for your encouragement and need I say... Take care of yourself as well!!!
God Speed, Talk to you soon!
Best Regards,
Fran F.
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