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Old 03-30-2009, 04:22 AM
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Kathy Kathy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Dallas, TX
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Unhappy So sorry....

Originally Posted by mary.mary View Post

THANK YOU for taking the time to 'show me the way'. It is for sure the road I NEVER thought I would have to go down, it ALWAYS happens that way, just when you think life couldn't be any worse than BAM!!

I have had ALOT to deal with on my end other than the new spinal issues. When my daughter was 4months old her dad (my husband) was in a car accident and died, I STILL am not over it and to tell you the truth it is affecting me MORE now that I am having a hard time physically and constantly ask myself what it is that i had done to have all of this happen to me. I know that sounds selfish, but I can't help it!! I unfortunately have very little support, my mother died when I was 19 and my father I never really had a great relationship with. I do have my WONDERFUL sister-in-law, who God knows if she wasn't around it scares me to think where I would be at this point, even before the skiiing mishap!!

Anyways, I don't really want to bore people with my non-spinal issues, I just wanted to THANK YOU for being a shoulder to lean on since like you said, people who are not going through this HAVE NO IDEA how bad the pain is!!

Hope you are recovering well!! All the best to you and the family, your daughters are BEAUTIFUL!!

Talk to you SOON!!
I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I can not fathom going through that, you are obviously a very strong person. Sounds like you have been through more than most of us will ever have to deal with, and you are so young.
You won't bore us with non-spinal issues. It is nice to get our minds off of spines for a little bit. When I am in pain, all I can think about is my spine, so non-spine stuff is good. We are here to support you in ANY and EVERY area that you need. We all need a helping hand and an ear to listen. Please share whatever you need to, this is the best group of people... no judgement, just empathy and compassion.
I don't guess there is ever a 'good time' to have your spine fall apart. Just remember, that if you think you got it bad, just look over your shoulder. I had this re-enforced to me the other day at the airport (was having my post-surgery pitty party on how bad it was, how I hurt and all the other bs). I ran into the bionic man in the elevator (read my "I met the real bionic man post). He had 4 ADR's and both hips replaced, at the same time. He had a tumor and it destroyed his spine and hips. So, not only was this man fighting the fight of his life, cancer, he had major spine and hip problems. Made my 1 level ADR seem puny, put me back into perspective!
You can do this, you will do this and come out stronger. I know it is a hard fight and it is easy to get discouraged; but we are here for you. You are now part of our 'online family'. I'll have to say, that in my imagination, Terry is like the cool dad you always wanted, several women who are like the moms and lots of siblings, and cousins (and better than a real family, they are all claimable ) Well.... most of the time
34 years old-
1/06- In wreck with 18 wheeler
Numerous MRI's, PT, chiropractic, accupuncture, TENS therapy, massage therapy, facet injections, epidural injections, Nerve study, Discogram, confirms pain in L4/5, IDET, decompression, Bi-lateral neurotomy L3/4/5, denied by insurance twice, in Active L clinical trial, had surgery March 17, 2009 in Miami, FL- received Active L disc
Had Baby #3 after ADR!
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