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Old 04-05-2009, 09:39 AM
runner runner is offline
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Default 3-19-2009

Hi Runner!

Well I spoke with the surgeon on Monday and have been a quandry since. His response was everytning looks "normal"!! He asked me if I could live with the pain? I was not completely caught off guard but was a bit concerned at such an odd question. He said my facets are normal and then went on to say that maybe a facet block would do the trick.

I asked him about this T12/L1 anterior wedging. I said I could see from my previous MRI that there appeared to be wedging prior to surgery. He stated that this is something fairly normal to see. He then asked me about the results of my original discogram and what the L5/S1 revealed. I told him that the original surgeon did not place a needle at that site. He then remembered that. I told him as far as I am concerned open me up fuse or replace the L5/S1 and be done with it. I told him I knew the ADR was successful and that the only discomfort was at the next level down. I told him I do not want a block and want to get this process accelerated. He said he would set up a discography down near his office.

I have had only one ESI and it was placed at the L4/5 area and did not work. I do not beleive a bandaid approach is very useful. I have found that I was not proactive enough with the original surgeon and placed too much trust in their judgement as to whether the original disco should have included L5/S1. Don't you love 20/20 hindsight. LOL!!

As to why they did not include a mylegram. Good question for which I do not have an answer. When I was scheduled for the CT I inquired about that with the imaging center and was told it was not ordered.

I apologize for not reading on Monday or Tuesday. I would love to hear what he would say with regard to your current condition. I am sure I will have the opportunity because my employer is reevaluating their position on this case.

When I spoke to our claims agent and mentioned that another discogram was being ordered he stated he could not approve it and it would go to the medical director for consult with the surgeon. He asked if the surgeon had discussed Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) with me and I told him no. The claims agent was very scattered and was hesitant to discuss anything directly. I would guess at this point they are looking to medically retire me to cut their losses and move on. It makes sense because they are already into this for about 300K between compensation and medical bills. I told the claims agent I would speak with him today regarding any progress they have made toward resolution of this case.

Sorry so wordy! I will keep you informed and I know Phylly was looking at this information because we both went to the same surgeon.

MVA on 20AUG07 at work
L4/L5 Annular Tear
One failed epidural 12OCT08
Discogram 10FEB08
ADR Prodisc L 10JUN08

Last edited by runner; 06-09-2009 at 10:27 PM.
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